Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ditmas Park Blog covers for the NYPD

Ditmas Park Blog covers for the NYPD while hypocritically covers areas that they deem a bit outside of the small area they cover.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what type of slice was that clown eating

sam said...

bullsheet artist. Worst than Faux News

Anonymous said...

where do they get this people

Harold said...

I was the one originally ask that question. "The minero case is a bit outside the tiny slice of this city this blog covers" Yet they continue to cover shootings and crimes not committed by the NYPD just blocks away from the Minero case. This is so infuriating. The bias and the hypocritical hogwash of those people are too much.

Anonymous said...

A bit tiny slice of the city this blog covers, unless it's a shooting not done by the NYPD in the same area of the Minero case. That probably makes perfect sense to the delusional readers of the ditmas parkkk blog.

ben lying to ya said...

In other words:
Ben Says:
My readers are stupid and I can bullshit them all I want and they will still follow me and my gentrification crusade.