Sunday, January 20, 2008
FHF-Wyclef Jean
Friday, January 18, 2008
Why the long face?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Talib Kweli Greene
First Inductee
From Hatian Times
Brooklyn — CAMBA's Small Business Services conduct workshops in a variety of areas. Pre-registration is required. To sign up, e-mail or call Kenesha Wheeler at (718) 282-2500 ext. 242. Class will be held at 884 Flatbush Ave. (corner of Church Avenue) on the second floor.
Credit Repair & Money Management; Jan. 22, Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Get control over your expenses, business and life. Learn money management and budgeting tips, as well as techniques on how to improve your credit score. The ultimate goal is to get out of debt and start saving and investing.
Money for Your Business; Jan. 29, Tuesday, 3 to 5:30 p.m.
FREE. Learn how to research and apply for FREE money. There are millions of dollars available from the government and private sectors through grants for new and existing small businesses. We'll show you how to get financing and free money for your business.
Successful Business Plans: Secrets & Strategies; Feb. 5, Tuesday, 6 to 8:30 p.m. This interactive workshop focuses on the foundation of writing an effective business plan. Learn what resources are available to assist you in writing an effective business plan and the secrets and strategies professionals use when developing an investor ready business plan.
Starting a Home-Based Business; Feb. 12, Tuesday, 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Starting a home-based business is appealing - lower overheads, less travel time and greater flexibility with balancing work and family. Learn what steps are involved in the planning and execution of a business based out of your home. Other topics covered include setting up your office software, hardware and equipment as well as legal and tax considerations.
Recordkeeping & Tax-Preparation; Feb. 19, Tuesday 6 to 8:30 p.m.
It's that time of year again! Learn how to prepare your taxes like the pros using low cost techniques and solutions. Learn about recent changes to tax laws and how this affects what can and cannot be included on your Schedule C.
How to Become a Licensed Childcare Provider; Feb. 26, Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. FREE. This is a complete overview of the planning, application and start-up process. Topics include operating costs, program planning, insurance, contracts, licensing, and fire and safety standards.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Cutty in Flatbush
Barber Shops
Friday, January 11, 2008
Park and Mingle!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New York's Finest

We should all be great full to have a Police Department like the NYPD. This cop was caught sleeping on the job. Then he tried to rail road the kid who took the picture. Read more here.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Seeing these injustices that goes on, I don't want this to be bash the white people or hipsters or yuppies or anything else. What I want to bash is Injustice. I want Flatbush to remain on open place. A place where ANYONE can find a place to live regardless of their skin color. A place where people are judge by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
Martin Luther King Jr also talked about the agape love. He said that the Greek language uses 3 different words for love. He said that " Eros is a sort of aesthetic love. It has come to us to be a sort of romantic love and it stands with all of its beauty. But when we speak of loving those who oppose us we’re not talking about eros. The Greek language talks about philia and this is a sort of reciprocal love between personal friends. This is a vital, valuable love. But when we talk of loving those who oppose you and those who seek to defeat you we are not talking about eros or philia. The Greek language comes out with another word and it is agape. Agape is understanding, creative, redemptive good will for all men. Biblical theologians would say it is the love of God working in the minds of men. It is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. And when you come to love on this level you begin to love men not because they are likeable, not because they do things that attract us, but because God loves them and here we love the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that the person does. It is the type of love that stands at the center of the movement that we are trying to carry on in the Southland—agape." Maybe we should adopt this philosophy here in Flatbush.
Monday, January 7, 2008
The new Flatbush

In this craigslist posting this Westminister Road housing seems to have no problem blazingly violating fair housing laws by posting a subtle racial listing with a picture of 3 white women in front of the Building. One can only wonder if they would have done the same thing of 3 black teens. Although the majority of the black tenants kept up the Building throughout the 90's when nobody wanted to live in Flatbush, the good people in Westminister Co-op in Ditmas park has decided to illegally steer white people into the building. I know this for a fact because they told a black friend of mind a week ago that they only had for sale and there were no rentals. (This craiglslist ad is for a rental). Good to know good old American racism is alive and well and is being brought head on into flatbush. I will be on the trail. If you have had any problems you can file a Housing lawsuit against them by calling the New York city Human Rights Commission at 311 or (718) 722-3130. Or you can file directly with HUD online complaint here.
Flatbush hope!
In the comments this person that goes by the name of “the real ditmas voice” said that “We are the most diverse community in America, many African Americans, Jews, Asians and mixed races have bought into our coop and into the coops in the “hood”………throwing out accusations that have NO merit is detrimental to all people of the neighborhood, and the possibility of bringing new hope the "Hood".”